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Old 07-07-2009, 06:17 PM   #65
Dynamite's Arena
OVR: 8
Join Date: Oct 2005
Re: GameStop pre-order CODES for Madden NFL 10 demo available July 15th

I don't know if it's cool or vogue to bash GameStop, but it's a little bit of a generalization to say that "they're largely incompetent when it comes to games" when EA (in case you're wondering, a fairly large player in video games) is doing significant business with the company, that speaks to the success of the company...if people were as incompetent as you say...then the company wouldn't have been successful at all.

Oddly enough, how do you suppose that you would get a demo of this caliber were it not for a large retailer to pair with?
Our purchasing power is being eroded. So especially now, the goods must be held to a standard. We end up happier as consumers, and the companies get a clear message: "We won't tolerate sub-par goods." It's a shame, no one cares to speak with their wallet.
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