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Old 07-07-2009, 06:29 PM   #88
You Dead Wrong
Jano's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 10 Blog: New Faces, New DNA

One of the things that I think will make Live great is all the ratings it has. In takes into account a lot of different factors. Once Live's animations are able to catch up with its different ratings we are really going to be able to see the difference between each player.

Especially when it comes to defensive players like CP3 and Artest who are both great defenders imo but for different reasons. With the ratings live has you will be able to see the distinction between great team defenders and 101 defenders which is something I don't think any game has truly replicated.

I think in Live we will be able to see how much of an impact these players make in games. An Artest like defender will make life hard for teams who rely on one great player because he can really make them work to get their points. While a CP3 like defender will cause havoc because he will make just executing and running your offense difficult because of his ability to get on ball steals and get in the passing lanes.

Here's a list of all the ratings Live uses:
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