07-07-2009, 07:17 PM
OVR: 40
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bay Area, CA
Posts: 8,041
Re: 2009 NBA SUmmer League
Yesterday D&G
About Roy Hibbert:
"Hibbert Runs like a slow....like something really slow"
"Like a Sloth"
"Like a slow Sloth"
"Roy hibbert runs liek a slow gazelle"
EDIT: Almsot forgot these gems "Roy hibbert has frying pans for hands"
"Its like someone taped two frying pans to his arms as some cruel joke"
for some reason that was so funny to me.
Then today they go
"Summer League is the Swine Flu of basketball"
Last edited by GSW; 07-07-2009 at 07:20 PM.