07-13-2009, 02:39 PM
Re: Fully Named Rosters for NCAA 10
Why Should You Download Ours? What Makes Ours Different?-The only reason I could see people downloading ours over another fully named roster is the fact that we take the time to perfect every team. We don't skim or fly over any team that we think won't be looked at. We work fast, but thoroughly. We will also be editing more than names as we will be making sure height/weight/number/class/etc, are all perfect. We also have more than one person working on it, so there is less of a chance for error. If one person is working on it, they will probably get a little tired and start trying to crank names out as fast as they can. With us, we can check each other's work and what not.
-As with everyone, we love college football and love to represent it perfectly in the virtual realm. We will not settle! :P