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Old 07-14-2009, 07:52 PM   #1
SCEA Community Manager
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Community Input: Pitcher Rituals (2009 Season)

What's up everyone its your friendly neighborhood CM again with another project on how you can help us make MLB10 just that much more authentic.

What Lorne is looking for is pitcher rituals. What does he do before a pitch, after a pitch, what he does after a save or blown save for that matter, etc.................

If you already posted in the previous rituals thread you don't need to re post it. If you missed out on those threads then here's your chance to contribute and we humbly thank you for it.

More specifically we are looking for rituals that pitchers have started doing this year. But if its something they have always done that isn't in MLB09 feel free to add it to the list.

Below is the template please please only post if you are using the template thx again guys have at it.
Also this is a time sensitive project this thread will run for about three weeks.
Post the template in bold and your reply in standard

Team: (Self Explanatory)
Players Name: (Self Explanatory)
Signature/Personal Routine: (These can be anything and everything I.E. For example, Brian Wilson of the Giants throws his arms up in a cross after every save.) Also please use extreme detail when describing what the player(s) do.
What game situation(s) and how often does the player(s) perform this routine? (Self Explanatory)
Did the player start using this ritual this year: (Yes/No/NA This is so we know which ones players started doing this year)
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