Thread: Gamestop promo
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Old 07-16-2009, 05:15 PM   #2
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Re: Gamestop promo

I thought it was odd too that they were giving out coupons for $40 trade-in. I know for at least the last couple of years they have accepted it and essentially say the credit goes toward Madden (it's really just store credit), but this year they seem to be pushing it. It's almost as if they know the game is awful and people will gladly trade it in for Madden instead.

Not sure I fully understand paying $60 to basically rent the game for a month. It also makes me wonder if NCAA is just becoming the junior version of Madden and will never truly be its own game. If that is the case, this game will never be any good, and if that's how EA has it set up, they ought to start selling it at $20 or $30 (wishful thinking).
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