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Old 07-17-2009, 05:10 PM   #2
Security Device
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Saginaw, MI
Re: Computer cheating?

Originally Posted by PurpleGold Zoso
Im not going to say that the computer is exactly cheating but it seems that it has a pretty big advantage. I just played a game ECU vs Kansas on AA and 5 min quarters. Now I am not terribly good at the game but Im ok. I lost 67-14. There were 3 times where on kickoffs I fumbled and 2 went back for TDs, the other my guy picked it up and then got stripped again. There were 2 ints by DEs over the shoulder not looking and their RB was unstoppable on multiple occasions he broke out of gang tackles. I have played the computer before so does anyone else see this and is there anyway to counter this?
What were you Gameplan Settings? If they were set to Aggressive, you're gonna fumble a lot.
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