Thread: FIFA 10 Preview
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Old 07-17-2009, 08:04 PM   #14
Murkurial's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Re: FIFA 10 Preview

Originally Posted by thelems
This sounds like the complaint from FIFAs 99-03 era. Pacing was a huge issue back then and the game always played too fast. People complained and complained. And since PES was sitting around demolishing FIFA internationally and in North America no one gave a damn, mediocrity and not much development was the norm for the FIFA series at the time.

I don't think that would happen again. A real developer, even a North American developer, should know, if not from the fan response the past ten years, that soccer is a game about the build up and developing the plays and not as often the individual feats.
If you've played FIFA 09 then it's pretty obvious that there is no such build up play there as well. It's already happened again. Now if they go back to what 08 was, but keep the increased responsiveness and 360 dribbling, among other things, then we're all good.

The majority of those tossing all compliments EA's way either don't play soccer and only see the odd Sportscenter Top 10 Plays highlight reel of ridiculous volleyed goals (like Donovan and Eskandarian's from last night; which don't happen every other goal) or they don't watch enough soccer from leagues around the world. For anyone to even begin to call 09 a sim is a joke and from all accounts it doesn't look like the dev team seems to see a problem with what 09 brings to the table.

FIFA 08 saw you having to pick your passes, draw defenders out, and actually build up the play. In 09 the midfield is nonexistent. If that isn't rectified in FIFA 10, along with a whole host of other issues, the only people that are going to find this game good are those who honestly think that all the stepovers and 360s, and rainbow flicks, followed up by volleyed goals from 30 yards out, is what soccer is all about.

Last edited by Murkurial; 07-17-2009 at 09:07 PM.
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