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Old 07-17-2009, 07:50 PM   #212
OVR: 3
Join Date: Oct 2007
Re: HERE are your new NBA LIVE 10 Screens

Originally Posted by Jamin23
At least we are getting info. Look at the way 2k likes to market thier games. We have gotten a lot of info and a website that actually has information on it.
Help me out here. Not trying to start any bs, so don't take this personally. It's just this is the type of thing that kept me off of OS the last time...

Why do a decent percentage of the users that frequent the Live & 2K (NBA) forums concern themselves with how the companies market their games? How is the distribution or lack thereof fringe and vague information (pre-release mind you) indicative of the quality of the actual game?

Again, not trying to be that guy. This is just one of the things that I had a hard time overlooking my first go on OS.
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