I look at it this way
OS is straight up SIM Madden Players only. We want the game to be played just like we are watching Tv.
After meeting hundreds of hundreds of people who play Madden I would say 5-10% are SIM players. That means there are a good 90-95% of Madden players are arcade.
Lets face it there are very few SIM players, That means very few people will be disappointed. OS is a place where disappointment happens on a daily basis.
90% of Madden players are Arcade- They wont care at all because they dont strive for realisim like we all do.
10% of Madden players are SIM- We complain about things because we want them realistic. Most of us believe Madden has failed us. Go to the IGN board, everyone is arcade and no one really complains.
Madden doesnt fail the general population
Madden Fails SIM players.