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Old 07-21-2009, 02:48 PM   #159
Bgamer90's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Buffalo, NY
Re: Madden NFL 10 Video: Franchise Hub & Extra Point Show (IGN)

Originally Posted by LAKE4742
You can add me to the "do it right or don't do it at all" camp. I understand Ian doesn't want to carbon copy 2K5, but this is the NFL! 2K5 did so many things right, but more importantly accurate, so just swallow your pride and get it all in there!

I do think it's a little sad that we (regular folk) can instantly point out the lack of enthusiasm of the commentators, or lack of highlights. It's just something else to add to EA's reputation of things that don't make sense, and probaly have no good reason for being absent-except laziness. This is supposed to be a sim, not Ian's little pet project. These kinds of flaws are no better than what David Ortiz was doing.

Just give us a damn NFL sim! Yes, this game seems to be headed in a very good direction, but still, the same ol' laziness is evident.
If it's not laziness, then it's simply lack of skill. No excuses, now or ever. Get it together, EA.
So the fact that 2k5 did things better in their halftime show automatically makes EA lazy?

Man come on people... if they didn't do anything you guys would be complaining and now that they made a good effort considering everything else they did to the game this year people still bash them. IMO the interface is much better and I also like that they are using real people. So while 2k5's halftime show does things better than madden 10's, madden 10's halftime show does things better than 2k5's imo. Also, many people wanted the Tony Bruno Radio show back and I'm pretty sure that we can all agree that the madden 10 extra point show is way better than that.

Also, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that the madden 10 half-time/extra point show is better than the shows in sports games like NBA 2k9, and MLB 09. Like don't get me wrong, there's problems with the madden 10 shows, but I honestly can't complain much.
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