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Old 07-22-2009, 08:58 PM   #701
crob8822's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Cypress Ca.
Re: Madden NFL 10 GameStop Pre-Order Demo Codes Available July 15th (Destructoid)

Originally Posted by bases1616
All of Gamestop's demo codes or whatever promotion they are doing for a game is always limited quantity. If you want something bad enough just make sure you are one of the first ones to grab one. There are have been plenty of times I waited until after work to pick up a game with a free promotion and that item was all gone when I got there.
You know I am curious, while reading some of the threads, I noticed that some people received a pack with five codes listed. I wonder if the people in the store were to open each pack and give 1 set of codes per person. This maybe the reason for some people not receiving theirs. I am just curious. I did not order the game from gamestop not that I never shopped there but I am a patient person and can wait until aug the 14th for the game to ship. I guess I am putting off my worst fear that the game will bomb? besides the online demo with one minute quarters will be just a snack especially since it is the Cowboys vs. Giants.
I am hoping that the GS demo does work because all of the os guys will be able to give some feedback about the experiance with the game.
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