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Old 07-23-2009, 02:58 PM   #4
elgreazy1's Arena
OVR: 28
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Austin, TX
Blog Entries: 8
I think the consumer has EVERY RIGHT to demand excellence out of sports games, especially since unlike any other genre of gaming, we are subjected to yearly releases of said games. NFL, NCAA's, NHL's, NBA's, etc are merely nothing more than roster updates from year to year with a few new bits of programming, maybe a half-hearted new game mode, and bits of polish added with each installment. That's it. Yet the consumer is expected to shell out $60 each year for a game and if they don't, they end up with no one to play with on online servers (many dev's do discountinue server services for older sports games).

You don't see this with any other line of gaming, in fact, look at the backlash Left 4 Dead 2 is getting. That spectrum of gamers is downright irrate at the fact that they're being force-fed a new installment of a game within a year when normally they expect 2-4 year life cycles of games mainly because: A) the content is not worthy of a new game, B) little to no additions to the gameplay & C) litte to no additions to game modes. Doesn't that sound familiar? Sports gamers, unfortunately, pay 3 to 4 times the amount than any other genre of games and so we should demand the best bang for our buck.
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