07-23-2009, 06:38 PM
I think it's a cop out to blame the consumer...we're always going to want the best and most for our money whether it's a new house, a new car, a movie, a video game, etc.
I think the reason our expectations are so high is because we know that it can be done. I own a 360 and play MLB 2K9, yet I see The Show and see all of these things that are done better, so it becomes a bit frustrating to think that I'm basically paying the same price for a whole lot less. But every year, I expect and hope that 2K will shine and step it up to that next level. I expect it because I know it can be done and I'm paying the same price as others who are gettting the game that is getting it done.
Also, I go back 20 years to Baseball Btars, which had create a team, etc...and wonder why 20 years later, my game doesn't have that.
As others have said as well, the companies market the games as if they are perfect replica's of the sport when they miss major aspects of the sport.
Finally, there is no law that says a game has to come out every year, forcing them to rush through a development cycle, which means a released game filled with bugs. That is there choice. Most would b pleased with a quality title every other year and roster update in between.