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Old 07-24-2009, 11:35 AM   #4
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Re: FistofRages's 2010 Heisman Slider Discussion

Originally Posted by doctorhay53
Hey Fist, I've been hoping to see your name up here in the slider discussion. Not alot of Heisman sliders floating around so far. I'll do what I can to get you feedback on these.

Just a couple of initial comments from the 5-6 games I've played on Heisman with similar sliders

1) 30 for QBA is definitely going to end up being too high for you. My personal preference is either 10-15, I haven't decided yet. 5 for Hum is definitely too low IMO. A QB with Accuracy in the mid-80's widely misses half their throws. I've been playing at 15 and have thought that was even a bit high. However my Comp % is about 55% so I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm not sure I like WR catch so low but I will try it out.

2) HUM rushing game might be a little too easy with these. My rushing sliders were at default for human with CPU rush defense at 35 and I led the nation in rushing through 4 games (using ask corso even). I'll test these out and see how they feel.

A comment I haven't put anywhere else is that I think we need to be careful slamming the pass rush sliders to the extreme ends. I've been playing with CPU pass block at 0 and Hum pass rush at 100, but all I've really seen is my LE dominating their RT. From all of the other pass rushers there has been NOTHING, just from the one position. The same thing has been happening to me from the CPU, both my LE and the CPU LE have had 4 sack games.

I used a version of your sliders from the middle of your work last year and I'm looking forward to finding a set this year. The game appears to be very malleable with the sliders.

Thanks Doc,

I noticed the same things you were talking about. I played some games last night, but it was the 1st time I really started testing things.

I am going to look at it tonight and most likely bump the AI rush D back up to default. I will also lower the human QB ACC. Even with pass rush at 75 and AI pass block at 25, I've been getting a very good pass rush.

I was really focusing on what the AI was doing last night because I only control the DT so my defense dowsn't have a very steep learning curve. For the most part, I will only improve marginally on D over today. But I liked what I saw out of the AI on offense.

The human sliders are going to take just a little more testing because I don't know the play books. Once I learn those, the plays become more productive, etc, so it could be a few days before I nail those down.

First order of business, Human passing. Initial idea, lower accuracy, Decrease Human pass block and possibly decrease AI coverage. I had bumped up AI coverage possibly too much to over compensate for my high accuracy.

Looking forward to testing tonight.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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