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Old 07-29-2009, 06:13 PM   #18
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Re: What makes Pro Tack a technology?

Originally Posted by Champ24
So you've never seen a 190lb elite athlete generate enough force to move a pile. Ok. With the knowledge in this thread you guys should pool your resources to create a game. I bet it would be hot.
The thought process here is continuity. If Steve Breaston can move 3-4 tackles, what can a guy like Brandon Jacobs do?

As far as mathmatics vz technology I suppose its open to personal interpretation. If Pro Tack is nothing more than the tackling system Madden already had, just multiplied, I see no reason to label it as a technology.

When they say technology, it gave me the impression they created something that was not in the game before. I was assuming that it was based in real life data, I don't think its all that far fetched considering the tools EA has.

Moe, in all honesty. How are you watching and assessing when Pro Tack comes into play? I have seen with as little as 3 players the odd shuffling that makes me assume Pro Tack has been engaged. Again, how many times must I tell you to ether inform yourself more about my post and videos or simply stop making false comments. I have and did say good things about M10, just because you didnt see / hear / or read them does not mean they didnt happen.

As far as this being a boring thread, look if you guys just wanna throw down money and trust everything you read on a box, thats on you. Pro Tack is a major selling point for Madden 10, pardon me for wanting some clarity on it after I have seen very odd things happen.

Last edited by RyanMoody21; 07-29-2009 at 06:17 PM.
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