08-02-2009, 10:35 AM
Re: The OSer's Battle For The Cup Signups!
Basic Info:
Name: Patrick Cosgrove
Play-by play name: I will automatically choose your first or last name
Position: Right Wing
Handedness: Right
Birth Year: 1989
Birth Month: October
Birth Day: 27th
City: Syracuse
Origin: New York
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Player Type: Grinder
Jersey Number: 21
Fights(never, rarely, sometimes or often): Sometimes
Year Drafted: 2008
Player Salary: $2.525 Million
Contract Type: 1 Way
Skin tone: White/irishy(sunburned)
Hair: short
Hair Colour: Brown
Facial Hair: None
Facial Hair Colour: Default
Eyebrows: Normal
Eyebrow Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Stick(Give just a brand and colour): NikeBauer one95
Skates(Give just a brand): Bauer one95
Gloves(Give just a brand): Easton Synergy
Helmet(Give just a brand): Nike Bauer 4500
Visor(Straight or Curved): Yes, Curved
Visor Tinit(You will be given clear if the colour you selected is not available): Clear
Shoulder Pads(Big or Small): Small
Pant Length(Long or Short): Long
Jersey Tuck(None, Left, Right or Full): Full
Sock Tuck(None, Front, Back or Full): Back
Tape Colour(If colour you select is not available then you will be given black): White
Good Stats(6): Speed, Wrist Shot Accuracy, Offensive Awareness, Balance, Checking, Toughness
Bad Stats(4): Faceoffs, Discipline, Deking, Slap Shot Power