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Old 08-05-2009, 11:41 PM   #87
TMagic's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K10 info this evening on Gamespot!

Then there's a new rating spread, which--similar to how the developers of Madden NFL 10 extended the attribute spread among players in the game--better differentiates among the NBA's elite, good, mediocre, and Brian Scalabrine.
LOL...I wonder if Brian Scalabrine plays 2K?

The right trigger is also used for sprinting, but because turbo has been abused in the past (especially online, where you can essentially sprint endlessly), the developers are looking to make turbo more of a commodity than ever before. As a result, when sprinting, you'll notice your turbo meter depleting more rapidly than before, and if you use up your turbo completely, your player's energy will drain dramatically if you continue to sprint.
Huge plus. People have been begging for some type of consequence for constant turbo for the longest.

Graphics didn't really impress at all though. They appear to be the same as last year which isn't necessarily a bad thing and so I'm not really disappointed with that.

Sounds like they've hit all other areas of the game though. I'm still hesitant to believe that the commentary is as good as the article states. I'm hopeful, but we'll see.
PSN: TMagic_01

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