08-09-2009, 12:55 PM
OVR: 30
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 7,550
Re: NBA Live 10 Video: Gameplay Enhancements w/ Mike Wang
The biggest thing I took away from the vid is how much smoother the game animates.
That was the biggest reason I could not get into live last year.
I actually went out and bought the game around March sometime because I enjoyed the demo. But, I took it back within days.
The biggest reason I did was because of how jerky and robotic everything was. I really could not stand it. That was a game killer for me, just like a game with no leg tattoo's or only 40 shoe types would be for some of you.
There were some other things that bugged me, such as the ball/rim physics, the player models, and some annoying interactions between a ballhandler and the defense.
But, from this video, and from what has been put out there by the developers, a lot of this has been fixed. Which has me really looking forward to this game.
I can't wait to see some actual 5 on 5 gameplay and to play the demo to really get a feel for how much better this year's game has become.