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Old 08-11-2009, 04:07 PM   #412
OVR: 11
Join Date: Oct 2008
Re: NBA Live 10 Video: Gameplay Enhancements w/ Mike Wang

Everything the video covered was look and feel, graphics and animations, but not intent. The big question to me isn't can they do this or that, can they rebound in a realistic way, can they size us up with a dribble, but will they?

If I'm playing the CPU Cavs, will Lebron size me up, will he drive past me. It isn't if a big can rebound more realistically, will he? Can I build a 7'11" or max height guy, max strength, max rebounding, who will dominate on the boards as a CPU player?

If it's just a button triggering an animation, the we'll be right back where we always have been with human controlled big dribbling around CPU players - because they can and will.

My question is if I'm playing the CPU Cavs, will LeBron ever drop 50 on me?
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