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Old 08-12-2009, 01:10 PM   #27
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

Originally Posted by slickdtc
I don't think this will be the case. No one wants to play against a CPU that's only better then them because they're faster. But I guess we won't know until we get to play.

Wouldn't a smarter AI be achieved by increasing their G-O-D sliders? Then again, I guess those sliders never made them smarter, just probably boosted their ratings, which, I guess, makes them more effective.

I knew there was a reason I stopped being a slider-freak. It turns the game into a math equation.
You'd think increasing the G-O-D sliders would do that. Its just never been the case in 2k games and in the case of 2k9 it honesty just increased the arcadey elements, Dmen doing spin a ramas up the ice, goaltenders warping to make impossible saves etc. NHL2k's biggest weakness over the years aside from bugs and lack of polish has been awful ai. Their only game that actually got AI right was 2k3, hell they oughta just use the damn AI code from 2k3.
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