Madden NFL 10 Online Impressions w/ Videos (Pasta Padre)
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08-12-2009, 06:18 PM
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Madden NFL 10 Online Impressions w/ Videos (Pasta Padre)
Pasta Padre has posted his
Madden NFL 10
online impressions with plenty of videos, to go along with it.
"Ranked games initially were set to five minute quarters with accelerated clock. EA is in the process of changing this to seven minutes with accelerated clock due to the early feedback. Those first settings offered such an abbreviated experience forcing people into playing differently due to being rushed. Essentially a two possession lead could mean no chance at a comeback. I’ve seen people discussing how they or their opponents didn’t see the ball for the first time until late in the 2nd quarter. Conceivably a full half could be run off on one extended drive. Going to seven minutes isn’t what I would play at but it is understandable for the more compact games that ranked generally represents so it makes for a reasonable compromise.
If the concern is about each game being too long then they should really look at adding in some substantial mini-games. Going back to NCAA a few years ago I really enjoyed the OT Challenge because it could be played in 5-10 minutes if you didn’t have time to commit to a full 45 minutes plus. What would be perfect for this is bringing Madden Moments online and letting people play out those scenarios against other users."
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