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Old 08-17-2009, 07:15 PM   #1
nbluedevils's Arena
OVR: 6
Join Date: Sep 2008
Bill Harris' Realism Sliders

Now I just want to say that I am not Bill Harris and I am not presenting his work as my own. However, I stumbled upon his blog (literally and figuratively) and I think that he has some amazing sliders here. Here is the post from his blog describing the process he went through to obtain his sliders and then the sliders themselves. It's literally like playing real football:

By Bill Harris


Quarter length: 12
Play clock: On
Accel clock runoff: 15 seconds
Injuries: 50 (still checking)
Fatigue: 50 (still checking)
Game speed: Fast*
Player min speed thresh: 70
Camera angle: Wide
Fight For the Fumble: Off

Offside 100
False Start 100
Holding 52 (very touchy--don't go higher than this)
Facemask at 62* [1]
Def PI 100
Off PI 100
KR/PR Int 70
Clipping 75
Int Grounding 70
Rough Passer 75
Rough Kicker 75

(note: at first, it looks like there are only four sliders. Press "A" on each to access the sub-settings (thanks to Bill Abner for the tip).
QB Accuracy 20
Pass Blocking 80*
WR Catching 50
Broken Tackles 55 [2]
Run Blocking 100
Fumbles 25
Pass Defense:
Reaction Time 15* [3]
Interceptions 25
Pass Rushing 70* [4]
Rush Defense:
Reaction Time 5
Block Shedding 0
Tackling 45

QB Accuracy 25* [5]
Pass Blocking 80*
WR Catching 50
Broken Tackles 55
Run Blocking 100
Fumbles 25
Pass Defense:
Reaction Time 100* [6]
Interceptions 25
Pass Rushing 95* [7]
Rush Defense:
Reaction Time 5
Block Shedding 0
Tackling 45

FG Power 60* [8]
FG Accuracy 40
Punt Power 60
Punt Accuracy 80
Kickoff Power 50

* indicate settings that have changed from V1.
[1] I was trying to get Facemask penalties to compensate for the lack of defense of pass interference penalties. It does, but it's annoying, so I lowered the setting.

[2] if you're using the truck stick and special moves extensively, you'll want to REDUCE this setting. This was balanced for players who usually let the CPU run the ball for them, or just sprint with the RB without using special moves.

[3] slightly lowered to help the CPU offense.

[4] the biggest change in this version is to the pass rush. Based on stopwatch timing, neither the CPU nor the human player had enough time to throw the ball against a standard pass rush in comparison to real NFL numbers (both were averaging below three seconds against a four-man pass rush). Now, time and the pocket should be much more realistic (slightly over three seconds for the human player, on average), and the CPU was given a bonus of about three-tenths of a second to give them more time to make decisions.

[5] I tested this setting with both the most accurate and least accurate quarterback in the league, along with a few others. It works fine with starters and backups, but third stringers with accuracy below 60 are going to struggle (as they do in real life). And if you're playing as the Giants and have to put Andre Woodson (their third string quarterback and least accurate QB in the game--accuracy in the 30's) in the game, good luck.

[6] this setting is really cranked up from version one. CPU pass defense was just too weak, and this significantly improves the CPUs ability to cover receivers.

[7] slightly lowered to increase the time that the human quarterback has to pass.

[8] slightly increased because too many lower-tier kickers had less kick power than in real life. I'm still working on this, because I'm still not completely satisfied.

I'm really pleased with how these play on Fast. The CPU passing game is much more effective, CPU Pass defense is better, and both the human player and the CPU have a more realistic length of time in the pocket.

Last edited by nbluedevils; 08-21-2009 at 09:42 PM.
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