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Old 08-20-2009, 07:55 AM   #1
OVR: 8
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Chicago
Anybody hopeful about 2k10 or did everyone buy a PS3?

After years and years of playing 2k baseball until dawn, this all stopped around 2k5-6. It seemed like the game was devolving beginning then.

I got tired of year after year of the continued devolution, bought a PS3, and you know the rest.

However, I have friends who just bought Xbox 360s, but no PS3. Looks like if I want baseball with people I know in real life (living across country from them now though), it absolutely has to be 2k baseball.

Are things going to get better? I downloaded the 2k9 demo and was turned off instantly. It reminded me of 2k3-5 graphics in "HD" - which doesn't say much, with the added un-value of no button hitting (which was the preferred controller settings used when me and these several friends who are buying Xbox 360s played back in the day)

Does anyone that has been critical of 2k baseball in recent years at least have some proof that they are "trying" - even if that means you don't have any hope for the near future? I know they parted ways with the people responsible for the horrid years (I wish I could underperform at work and still be employed for 3 years!) so that's good.

I just really, really miss the days of Blue Shift (or was it Blue Castle) and "WOW! Entertainment". Those were the days. RIP WSB baseball.

Oh yeah, in the 2k9 demo, the commentary was fantastic. But then again I never understood the fuss over Morgan/Miller. What was annoying was Joe Buck in that Xbox exclusive "Inside Pitch" in 2003 I think. Who cares though, 2k3 had Rex Hudler (as does the MLB The Show currently) but it will still be the glory days of 2k baseball in my mind.

Last edited by bakesalee; 08-20-2009 at 07:58 AM.
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