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Old 08-20-2009, 10:57 PM   #264
NBA 2K Gameplay Producer, Offensive AI System - SIM NATION
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Re: NBA Live 10 Trailer: Blocks and Rebounds

Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I think it was just a bad animation blend.
I agree sage but that does bring up another issue. if you going to give users absolute control like that where they can do anything because they are not locked into an animation. They should be punished for performing non basketball moves.

like in that instance the actual play should be called a travel. but if he hesitates a moment and allows that last bounce before the step back then its a good move.

I was playing Lakers vs Bulls on the genesis last night and they "allowed" you to move after you picked up your dribble but its a travel call. Just thinking out loud tho. may not be doo able
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