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Old 08-21-2009, 03:34 AM   #2
Kahuma's Arena
OVR: 17
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Raleigh, NC
Re: Protest towards the NO STORY RULING in the Hockey secton

I am not an active Hockey Forum member, but the thread was brought to my attention earlier yesterday and did think maybe the move was a bit overboard. I have been an admin on a forum before, and ran In-Game guilds and such for a few years.

I do think banning said person was justisified but maybe a temperary ban. But taking one persons fault and making the other thousand people who use this forum properly penaltized forever isn't exactly proper.

Also to be quiet honest I don't see how banning such rule from one part of the forum makes sence, as it is allowed in other sections, blocking it in one would not solute the issue sicne people do not only use the Hockey section.

This is just my opinion. I am personally more active in the Football Dynasty Forum so this is more from a bystander's viewpoint.
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