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Old 08-21-2009, 06:22 PM   #11
Livin' the dream
Stumbleweed's Arena
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Re: Combine trailer is up

Originally Posted by -DaVe-
I agree with 2k looking wayyyy more fluid and natural compared to Live. It's almost like Night and Day. The 2k animations in this trailer are so much less of a eye sore than what I saw in that live 5 vs 5 video.
I'm still going to give Live a chance to show what it's got but 2k looks like it's going to still be on top.
Of course it's more fluid... it's 2K who has piled animations on top of animations for the last 4 years, it's a pre-made and rendered trailer showing the things they want you to see... the Live video was some German dudes playing like morons on the lowest difficulty setting. Not a fair comparison in the least. Until amateur GamesCom videos leak for 2K10, that comparison is apples to oranges.

Anyway, looks good, same smooth animations as last year. Can't tell anything about user control until I play the game though... videos always look nice for 2K games, but that doesn't mean the game plays nice.
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