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Old 08-21-2009, 08:19 PM   #52
Livin' the dream
Stumbleweed's Arena
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Re: Combine trailer is up

24th, if you're referring to me, I said nothing of the sort. I just said that it's an edited trailer (which it undeniably is), so they're not going to show a player skittering around, they'll show a perfect take of the drill. It's not CGI... that would be completely obvious.

I'm not really concluding anything from the 2 seconds of dribbling through cones they showed, I'm just saying that people proclaiming the end to movement issues are probably jumping the gun since it's a cherry-picked video, not an off-screen shot of someone playing the game. Until we play the game ourselves or see someone who isn't a developer playing it, then we have no clue how the movement is.

Glad OS is in the offices -- should be getting some real info finally!
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