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Old 08-29-2009, 04:24 AM   #598
OVR: 31
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Re: NHL 10 Demo Available, Post Impressions Here (360 & PS3)

Originally Posted by infinityBCRT
Actually LAN play will likely be in SC2 they revealed recently, but they are using online DRM. You'll always have to be connected to the internet though to verify that you do have a valid license to play the game and a lot of the game's functionality is tied into (such as the friends list, leaderboards, etc) so whether you like it or not, it increases the willingness of someone to purchase the game rather than pirate it. Offline DRM or one-time activation DRM can always be cracked and is rather ineffective because it punishes the legit buyers and does nothing to deter the pirates.
Which defeats the whole point of keeping a LAN party offline so as not to have guys run off to "help a guildy in wow real quick" or "check email real quick" not to mention lan competitions, god all those SC players in China must be pissed about this. etc etc. I'm all for supporting developers, especially on games I like (Bioware's titles come instantly to mind having just preordered the CE PC edition of DragonAge) but all the draconian DRM in the world is only going to hurt PC gaming more than its going to help sales imo. Gah must not derail thread! naughty naughty infinity, ya made me go off on a rant.
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