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Old 09-02-2009, 08:07 PM   #61
pissed, or parkinson's?
adayinthelife's Arena
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Not releasing a demo sounds bad. But a bad demo like NCAA 10 can do more harm than good. If you do a demo you have to do it right.

Quite frankly, I think companies would be better off making a demo from the final build and releasing it a few weeks after the game comes out anyways. The people that will buy it will buy it regardless. And the people on the fence will have a high quality demo to judge the game with.
This is an excellent point and definitely something I think they should look at. A few of us will probably rent it on day one but most others will get NHL 10 and most likely forget 2k10 even exists - for that reason even doing a post-release demo would be a good plan. Also someone said earlier that if you don't have 8 bucks for a rental you shouldn't be spending 60 on a game. Logical yes, but in reality some people just think differently when spending money depending on what they're buying. Also some of us might have a nice cache of late fines built up..
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