09-03-2009, 12:25 AM
Re: NHL 10 Demo Available, Post Impressions Here (360 & PS3)
The defensive AI is great. Too good, even. One thing that makes it look probably better than it actually is is the outdated offensive AI. Littman mentioned it was improved this year but I don't see much of an improvement. They still stand around doing absolutely nothing in the offensive zone and rarely will try to make themselves available for a pass. The end result is that it's extremely difficult to get scoring chances aside from passing it to the point and getting a shot on goal which gets repetitive. The offensive AI is also awful when it comes to getting open for passes during breakouts, often taking bizzare paths or skating right behind their own teammate for some unknown reason.
The offensive AI is pretty good when it comes to BAP, but suffers badly in regular versus. It needs a major overhaul in NHL11.