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Old 09-04-2009, 12:51 PM   #152
Against The Crowd!
Eddie1967's Arena
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

Originally Posted by Timmay
Sliders don't change the way the game itself plays for the most part. It might change how easy or hard the game is - like how easy it is to say score a goal, or how hard players hit... But it doesn't change how the game controls and how the AI really plays.

The demo from pretty much every sports game I've ever played is pretty much exactly how the full game has played; the only differences were in that I could adjust how hard or easy it was - and change some things to make it a little more realistic. But if you don't like the way it plays, sliders don't change anything really.
Interesting. Last year was the first for me playing any demo and that was with MLB 2K9. I'm not into making drastic slider adjustments myself but since that is a huge thing in these forums, I figured it must completely change the way the game is played in all areas since people tinker with them so much. I play most of my games out of the box with very minor adjustments. Given 2k's list of sliders, this will be the first time I go deep into them to test out different styles of play.
Originally Posted by jim416
You are the 2k Police. :)
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