-Live looks very real now. At times during the 10 min 5v5 gameplay I thought I was actually watching a real NBA footage.
Example: Utah vs Toronto clip.
-The animations , cross overs , shots look better. I wasn't cringing as much as previous Live installments. The layups don't look too great though.
-The praying manthis like movements have been toned down.
- I like how when a player gets injured the player limps and stuff . Thing I didn't like is that Derozan limped down the court then all of a sudden he's playing on the defensive end like nothing happened.
-Like how players fight for position on the post.
-The stadium's sound amazing. Like how they were chanting DEFENSE during that UTAH/TORONTO clip.
-The passing sucks. The way they hand it off to each other , the way they pass to each other overall. Just looks bad. The A.I. player fails to disrupt a pass that's right in front of him.
For example starting 0:59 , Wade + Marshall bounce pass to each other right through two defenders. Those two defenders got their pixels disrespected.
-The shot blocking does not look good at all .
So many instances where defenders just swing at nothing. Like they swing the opposite way the ball is going .
- One thing that kills some of the immersion for me is that players receive passes without even looking. Just watch any fastbreaks in that video and you'll see what i'm talking about. Players just stare straight into oblivion on fastbreaks.
- The commentary is bad. Marv just doesn't seem right.
I laughed how Marv Knew Derozon's injury before it even occurred.
-There's no umph on those rims when a player dunks . The net animations are lacking.
Overall I applaud the devs for improving Live but i'm still not sold on buying it. I'll probably rent it.