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Old 09-09-2009, 08:53 AM   #66
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Re: Why All-Pro Football Still Trumps Madden

Originally Posted by Super Glock
Sorry I really enjoy the write ups on OS most of the time but this is just plain silly to compare All Pro 2K8 to Madden 10. I understand not everyone is an EA fan but give me a break.
I will say it's difficult to make a direct comparison of the two games. Just as I have a problem making a direct comparison of 2K5 or Madden last gen to Madden 10 next gen - you really can only make indirect comparisons. We're trying to compare games that are at a huge disadvantage because of age, technology, and in APF's case lacking the NFL license. APF was a one-year next-gen effort and didn't benefit of multiple years of feedback and tweaking. This is Madden's 5th. And I'm sure there will still be some people that will say "give [them] a break, this is Ian's first year" (despite that not being close to being true; he's been integral to Madden development for several years at least). The problem for Madden is that it hasn't put these comparisons to rest despite having every advantage imaginable.

I don't think APF trumps Madden 10 across the board as the article hints at. But there are still several key areas (OL/DL, DB/WR play & interaction, QB play) where APF performs fundamentally better. Or at the very least, those things are still debateable. And that looks really bad on Madden's part.
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