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Old 09-09-2009, 11:36 AM   #99
OVR: 4
Join Date: Sep 2009
Originally Posted by sois
Unfortunately for those of us that like fully working games, the game IS worth $60. The market says so. If it was not worth that price, nobody would buy it.

Most gamers don't even notice post patch differences I would guess. My friends are just happy to be staring at NFL uniforms. They purchase hype. As long as it sells, EA can maintain the status quo.
It's the only NFL game out there. Of course people are going to buy it. It doesn't matter as long as the NFL License is there. It's an EA game, and retailers won't think twice about putting it under the 60 dollar price tag. It's going to sell, it's the only one of its kind out there....unfortunately....IMO
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