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Old 09-09-2009, 01:09 PM   #139
OVR: 5
Join Date: Oct 2005
Re: NBA Live 10 Video: Shooting & Driving The Lane

Originally Posted by Pared
You pick a good choice. Slower to react, less successful in attempts. Standing there is not the answer.


If you don't have anything to offer on the video, stop posting.

OK, I can go with the slower to react, which incidentally might even cause you to stand there if by the time you do react you can only pick up the foul, but "less successful in attempts" would mean lower shot ratings wouldn't it? So it sounds like the choices would have been poorer rotations or slower reactions on defense. You'd choose slower reactions, I can respect that. Thanks for answering, and I can see your point. I guess, now that you suggested it and if I was picking I would choose that too, but I don't consider the other option to be that bad a choice either.
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