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Old 09-10-2009, 01:51 AM   #188
NBA 2K Gameplay Producer, Offensive AI System - SIM NATION
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Re: NBA Live 10 Exclusive Video: Czarisode 1: Season 2

Originally Posted by AD2084
Czar! loving the Czarisode much info was presented there on the controls which I am definitely feeling, there is a lot of moves I can see being pulled off with this new dribble system, maybe next time you will give us a little hesitation move, crossover, with a spin to the rack, which reminds me how does the spin move work?

Great video as always mad props man, keep feeding us you know we hungry round here.
you caught me AD2084 I had a section on there about moves on the run that is where the spin comes in by holding the right stick up.... what happened was some of captures had too many players in the gym in the way and you couldn't see my examples.... by the time i saw that i was already back home so we had to skip that part of the vid. I figured I could cover it later as its only a few moves...
Catch me on that #SimNation #SimHangOut Friday's @ 10:00 pm est
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