09-10-2009, 04:03 PM
PS3 leaderboard is 53 OVR tops. For Xbox 360, I think there's a hack, like those rosters in 2K9 that got 230 million downloads.
Regarding this roundtable, I agree with most sentiments. I believe that it could be off-disc, but maybe not for games like The Show that fit so much onto the disc and still have space remaining (unless they could fix those brutal Road to the Show load times). I don't normally buy games off-disc, so I'm not sure about how it would work for me, but take NHL 09. Most people who played that game did it for the online player-lock leagues, which is immersive in its own right, but then you have all of that stuff on the disc that they don't use.
So I could go either way on that... I suppose if you play both My Career/Road to the Show and Association/Franchise concurrently, you would want them on the same disc.