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Old 09-14-2009, 04:48 PM   #1
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2009
expansion draft exposed players

Im gauging interest in starting a post by members of OS interested in doing an "expansion draft" with a created team. We would make a list of all the 32 teams 5-6 players that would probably be exposed in an expansion draft... Below is a copied post of someones way of doing it all pretty realistically but I didnt know if there was enough interest if it was made easy enough to do.

"This is a great thread and I am glad I'm not the only one who does this. My formula may be a little complex but it is fairly realistic and will give you a good challenge running an expansion team.

1. Wait for the first roster update of the regular season (usually comes about a week or two after the first game)

2. Replace one of the three teams with the worst record from the previous season (this year I will replace KC, MIA, or STL).

3. For the draft, you have to select the guys you want BEFORE you do the create a team portion. These come from the dispersal draft (#4), entry draft (#5), and expansion draft (#6).

4. For me, I allow myself to pick any one player from the team I am replacing. All others will be released to free agency in a later step except for the draft picks. This replicates how a dispersal draft would probably happen if a team folds. Being the new team, picking first is most likely.

5. To replicate that an expansion team will get the first pick in every round of the entry draft (like Houston did in 2002), I select one player from each actual round of the draft. I then trade the replaced team's pick to the team I took the pick from. So, if I replace KC and in round one I decide to take Michael Crabtree in the first round, I would send Tyson Jackson to the 49ers. If the pick is not on the team, move him from free agency. If he is not in the game at all, pick a similar player from the free agency pool or re-create him.

6. Next I rank all teams by rating and allow myself to fill my roster with anyone in the bottom 5 of ratings who is not a rookie from each team. So, if a team has two rookies in the bottom five then I could select from the last seven.

7. Next, and MOST IMPORTANT, transfer all the players you will pick to the team you will replace. This will ensure there are no duplicate players in the league once you replace that team. Because of position restrictions, this may take some time as you can only sign and release so many players. But the time is worth it, especially if you play a few seasons of franchise.

8. Create your team and move the players to your team that you already selected.

9. Start the season. Do not select any of the players from the replaced team until week two of the season. This will give other teams a fair chance to sign them. With a dispersal draft, most of the good players would be gone so this replicates that."
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