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Old 09-15-2009, 08:38 PM   #240
And one1
OVR: 6
Join Date: Aug 2009
Originally Posted by authentic24
quality material? 2k9 was broken when they released it. the game was okay but don't say quality please because it wasn't. t took 6 months to get it where it needed to be. but like i said the trailer was nice for what it was, but i know they added like 4500 animations but how many are canned and allow cheese like spins moves that automatically get you past the defender the vacuum crossover which you have to just run from he ball handler so you dn't get sucked in etc. this is probably y stumble weed wants to see gamplay, they can add as many animations as they want but if the user doesn't have total control whats the point in playing. and no im not bashing just making a statement and yes i have bought every 2k but im getting tired of them not fixing stuff that we asked them to fix a long time ago. I want sim not a bunch of animations that take control out of my hands. and since live is pretty good at least from the demo they can't keep rehashing and adding animations and then say we revamped. but we will see when the demo comes out.
Agree 100 % some people on this forum call you fanboy or your trolling or what ever geek terms they can think of when you state an opinion that most real ballers agree with,I hated 2k9 and Live 06-2009 so im not a company jock rider i love bball 24/7 not game developers ! Does every body here remember Team-up and no HOF settings for online ranked. The trailer is sweet but real ballers want to see if you can stop cheesers from spinning and hesitation suction dribbling animations with Kobe and Lebron. Cant fool grown men with the glitz (team snap shots, Wade rim pull-ups, tho very nice) Give us real basketball logic, no Kobe flying over Damper on H.O.F setting please. Your hardcore basketball fans will appreciate it. Thanks!!!
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