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Old 09-21-2009, 02:23 AM   #1318
OVR: 8
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Alexandria, VA
Re: NBA Live 10 Demo Available, Post Impressions Here (360)

Wow, if this Playmakers guy really made 08 playable, then ALL RESPECT SIR, and go right ahead and keep providing your critiques. They can only help these guys make the game better.

I remember spending SO MUCH time in the Live 08 sliders, just to get it some semblance of playability, me and my boy in the dorm. Sadly, we never succeeded (the excellent NBA 2K8 being available had something to do with this, I just don't know how anyone was able to stick out a whole season of Live 07 or 08).

To me, this is the first playable Live on next gen, because personally (I stress "personally"), Live 09 mighta been solid, but the fact that made shots always had one trajectory, combined with the fact you couldn't time your own release, were gamebreakers for me, among the other flaws like animations and such.

I feel guys like PM tho, because it's cool to recognize how good a game is, and we all know that this Live is the best Live in a LONG time. But as hardcore bball gamers/players, we study these games, we dissect them, we been playing since well before Live 95 even, so these devs won't be off the hook until their game is perfect.

Which means they'll never be off the hook.
NBA 2K16, MGS5

Fallout 4

Wife: "Of course he's going out to get his 2K game at 12am, like he can't wait til tomorrow."
Wife's mom: "Be grateful that's what he's running out at midnight for."
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