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Old 09-22-2009, 06:04 AM   #112
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HMcCoy's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K10 Videos (IGN)

Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
I should be surprised by what I'm reading, but I'm not. It's a shame that the growth of the forum is inversely proportionate to its quality. I wish I could have found this place a couple of years earlier. At least I've met some good dudes.
Lol...don't worry. The noobs usually get bored or get themselves banned. The few that survive the launch window usally end up being good community folk.

Everything will be back to normal by X-mas.

Back on topic:

The vets mostly posted in the original thread. My .02:

Wow...Bron is brutal, but the Laker bench looks spot on. Shannon especially.

I like the CPU ball movement, but I hate watching scrubs play.
Kobe went to the blocks three times in 6 possessions.

I wonder if that's Kobes tendacies at work, or the CPU recognizing a size mismatch.
I like the fact that Bron went to the paint four times and his shot was contested by two players on every shot attempt except his third, a postup...which was contested by three guys.

Help defense is alot better...hopefully the shooting %'s go way down on higher difficulty levels. He was 2/4 in relatively heavy traffic.
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