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Old 09-23-2009, 08:34 AM   #278
Zeppelin8's Arena
OVR: 8
Join Date: Oct 2008
Re: NBA 2K10 Videos (IGN)

I simply hate labeling people as FANS.

Why would I be a fan? I just want to play the most realistic basketball game out there. It's just a preference, some might like 2k, some might like live more. For instance, I thought NBA Live 09 was the better bball game last year. This is because bball is a team game. If it plays right, even herky jerky animations are a non issue for me. 2K had a nice package, better individual looks and animations, but the game itself didn't play right.

This video showed that CPU still does not have a perimeter game. They pound the ball in, I bet there will be issues with backdoor cuts, if not 2K will find a way to cheat when you raise the difficulty level.

Even if the game is on rookie, this doesn't change the fact that CPU plays unrealistic. You can pass through defenders. It's not satisfying at all.

In last years 2k9, you could score inside the paint at will. Difficulty didn't matter. Now I see that the game plays pretty much the same. I'll say its NBA 2K9.1 so far. That 0.1 is for the new commentary lines and shaq's put back slam.
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