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Old 09-23-2009, 08:37 PM   #32
OVR: 11
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Chicago, IL
Re: Defensive Gameplay Insight is up

Originally Posted by CoHouse2814
not all 9000 animations are used in 2k10...rob jones confirmed that these new animations(whatever number they stopped at) seems to be better for the series to move forward from playing the draft combine
This was from the Hoopsworld preview:

"This year I captured about 9,000 animations," Jones explained. "Like you said, some of those old animations were dated. Some guys aren't even doing those things they were doing when we first did signature style."
You can read preview here: It seems like every new preview I read that involves interviewing the developers, they state that they captured 9,000 new animations for this game. They never give a disclosure stating that only SOME of these were captured for 2K10. I wish a 2K developer would come on here and clear this issue up a bit.
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