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Old 09-24-2009, 01:48 PM   #183
drae2's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Re: Madden NFL 10 Patch #1 Available, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by ChicagoChris
I'd give the patch a solid B. About what i expected. I have noticed:
  • Better run blocking. Seems the OL holds the blocks better and has better AI on whom to pick up. You can see your hole much better and the runs are more satisfying.
  • Like the sideline catch cutscene
  • CPU QB seems to throw less wounded ducks. I saw quite a few and sacked the QB 3 times in the first half.
  • Flats are IMO addressed. Didn't seem like the FB pass was so overly effective.
  • Coverage makes more sense. I was able to lob a few balls to my TE over the LB and LB did not have the superhuman catch up i hated.
  • Tackling seemed smoother. Can't put a finger on it but it seemed less choppy.
As others have mentioned, I did not see:
  • More penalties; i hope it is one game. Would LOVE to see me Def. pass int.
  • 49er's helmet color fix (I played against them)
Okay, I just finished a half with the Bears/Eagles. My observations:

1. Maybe it's just me, but the game seems to play smoother for some reason. Again, maybe it's just me.

2. Those sideline animations and the refs are real nice.
3. For the first time that I can ever remember I had a Offensive pass interference called against me. Wow!

4. Run blocking is better like everybody else is saying, but the pass rush I'm not seeing a big improvement. And I haven't seen any suction blocking on the o-line--yet.

5. I think the broadcast cam could be better. Too far back. Don't know if this can be adjusted.

6. Hester can finally get past CB's in one on one coverage on go routes, if he is faster and rated higher than the db covering him.

7. I Did see something strange though. When the Eagles had the ball, the team info in the banner was incorrect. It was showing the Bengals info from when they came into the AFL in 1967. No big deal, just made me go, hmmmmmmm!

That's all I've seen so far with the little time I've put in so far. But I do like what I see. I'll be back with more thoughts after I play an online game.
Watch ya self! Here come the Hawks, the Mighty Blackhawks!! Gamertag: andrae86.
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