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Old 09-24-2009, 02:49 PM   #214
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Re: Madden NFL 10 Patch #1 Available, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by LBzrule
Correction - the plays with Fade Routes built into them like I Form Tight Verticals, the fade routes have been slowed down like the slant from the backfield.

Hmmm they also slowed down TE slants off the line both inside and outside.

HB Slant out of the backfield is still going to be a problem and that's all I will say.
Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
From what I'm reading (not t home, so I cannot play for myself), it sounds like they simply slowed down the route running of the "cheapie routes": drags, flat routes, TE/Slot WR slant, rather then improve the responsiveness of your short zone defenders.

Accurate observation?
Pretty much. There doesn't seem to be any consistent reason why they slowed some routes down drastically and left others alone. That's why it makes no sense. And there aren't any "cheapie routes". Did you ever hear a DB try to explain to his coach why he didn't cover the back by saying "he ran a cheapie route coach!" Give me a break.

I'm also not going to say any more except to say this fix is not a fix, and they actually may have opened another can of worms with this "solution".
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