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Old 09-25-2009, 02:29 PM   #444
StormJH1's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Patch #1 Available, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Only1LT
I have given EA/Tiburon grief, which they have deserved, so I will pay them a compliment, when deserved.

One thing though. The blocking is improved, but the way in that it is accomplished is a little weird. It seems like on outside runs, the O-Line gets an unnatural speed burst, a la the receivers speed burst to make a catch, to get the outside positioning. It also seems like the game pretty much just gives the blockers the outside block, even if they are positioned to the inside.

I guess you can't complain too much because it works, but I am a little suspect about its implementation. It is a patch though, and not a new game, so maybe this was the quickest and best way that they could handle it in the short term. From a purely aesthetic standpoint however, it does not look very organic and I hope that they can find a better way to do this on subsequent Madden's, so that the outcome looks more aligned with what precipitates it visually on screen.

The pursuit angles were not fixed though and the breaking tackles, if they were tweaked, it is not apparent. It happens just as much as ever.

Overall, I am pretty pleased with the patch.
Interesting post. I still need to log in to check out the new patch.

I'm a big fan of ProTak, but even recognizing that it still is a series of "animations" rather than a coherent physics "engine", it just seems like some of the most noticeable flaws about it could have been prevented. We were told that you could have up to 9 players engaged in a pile and that you could take control of defenders and push the pile backwards. I've definately seen piles with tons of players, but I don't know if I can ever recall clearly adding my defender to a pre-existing pile animation.

And you would think if they had all of these different calculations going on, then they should have just made it so that you NEVER are able to break free when you have more than 2 or 3 defenders pulling on you. It just doesn't look right when it happens, and the game actually makes it more devastating than in real life because you have defenders standing around the pile trying to get invovled (when the animation won't let them), and then as soon as A.D. breaks free, all those guys are bunched up and you pretty much can run untouched down the sideline!

Seriously, would a single person complain "Hey, how come I'm never able to break out of tackles where I have 4 defenders hanging on me!"
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