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Old 09-25-2009, 01:30 PM   #159
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BroMontana82's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K10 Video #1

Originally Posted by Stumbleweed

Definitely looks like a polished version of the Combine, which I suppose isn't a bad thing. I'm still in "have to play it myself before buying" mode, but this video got my hopes up more than they've been in a while. Glad to hear from Pared and others that movement feels a little better as well as defense.

Big concern at this point are the framerate issues and how that will translate to online games, especially Team-Up since that's what I play about 75% of the time. It was such a horrendous mess last year, I really hope they get that under control for release, because it would be a shame to implement the new Crews and all that and the gameplay is chugging. Sadly, I kind of expected framerate issues after the debacle last year, and I guess I was right... they need to figure out a way to have an active crowd without getting that slowdown on certain cameras. Personally, I'd take a scaled-back crowd if the game ran buttery smooth.
agree with you 100% - i hate absolutely hate this, especially with certain venues and cameras like the 2k cam. personally, i don't care about the crowd and presentation as much as gameplay so if something is holding gameplay back, cut this other stuff out. i could do with fewer people in the crowd and the guy with the white t shirt finally finding his seat instead of constantly walking down the aisles
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