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Old 09-26-2009, 09:24 AM   #3
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Re: How do I get a brawl?

Originally Posted by baa7
CPU will initiate brawls post whistle as I understand it. There's a setting that stops that from happening. Switch it to "Relaxed." But if you go after someone or shoot at the CPU goal after a whistle, the pushing/shoving still happens, even on that setting.
I have the standard setting and want to have brawls. But when I've shot the puck to the goalie after the whistle, the camera is following the puck (that has bounced on the goalie and gliding out on the free ice) and not showing the brawl that you can hear in backgrund. I only here "ouch" and brawl sounds but not seeing it, when the cam is focused to follow the puck. Is there a camera setting that I have missed or something? I always have "ice" on camera settings.
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