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Old 10-06-2009, 01:53 AM   #3
OVR: 46
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Re: NBA LIVE 11: Dynasty Wishes

Originally Posted by funkysven
I havent played the game as I havent got it yet, but what I have seen between videos of both, 2K does do an amazing job with making you feel like your watching a proper NBA broadcast. To EA's credit, they have focused this year on getting the gameplay right (from what I have seen and read) and I can count on them to progress on not only the gameplay next year but also the presentation to truly immerse everyone in a great basketball game.

I agree funky seven/

I was just thinking bout it.

2k is like watching a tv broadcast while playing a videogame.
whereas Live is like Playing a videogame with stats popping up.

2k blurs the line.

I like the 2k approach of merging the two.
Total immersion is what made NFL2k5 so legendary.

EA can get there.
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